Publication of Peter Gabel's new book

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Dear Fellow PISLAP folks,


Peter’s book “The Desire for Mutual Recognition: Social Movements and the Dissolution of the False Self” (Routledge Press) is a work of critical social theory that was described by our colleague and Advisory Board member Fania Davis in the following beautiful way:

"Karl Marx considered the class struggle the engine of human history.  In The Desire for Mutual Recognition, however, Peter Gabel boldly asserts the existence of a deeper underlying motive factor:  the dynamic of our human yearning, whether towards frustration or fulfillment, to co-create and inhabit a universe of authentic, loving connection and mutual recognition.  Human liberation requires us to intentionally embed social-spiritual strategies within socio-political movements to radically challenge social fear while generating powerful experiences of mutual recognition that support the evolution of humanity toward its full realization. To read this entrancing work is itself to gain entrance into a re-sacralized dimension, evocative of a new future."

To learn more, please consult the Routledge Press web page:

There you will find comments by Cornel West, Duncan Kennedy, Michael Lerner and several others. Also see this excellent review on AlterNet by psychoanalyst Michael Bader:

And please order the book on Amazon and write a review!

AND Peter will speaking to us about the book on our regular monthly PISLAP call for April 12th at 6pm eastern time.

Every good wish,
