Here are links to members’ publications related to legal renewal.
The Movement for Legal Renewal
A Spiritual Way of Seeing by Peter Gabel, Tikkun Magazine, posted April 1, 2013
The Affective Assistance of Counsel: Practicing Law as a Healing Profession by Marjorie A. Silver
Beyond the Binary: Restorative Justice as Liberatory Practice by sujatha baliga
Declaration of Legal Renewal by PISLAP
Imagine Law by Peter Gabel
Politics of meaning draft platform: plant on law – Special Focus II: The National Summit on Ethics and Meaning by Peter Gabel
Transforming a Dysfunctional Legal System by J. Kim Wright
The Political Meaning of Bush V. Gore by Peter Gabel, Tikkun Magazine, July/August 2001
Bringing Healing to Law and Medicine After Adverse Events: Dialogue, Disclosure and Collaborative Law by Kathleen Clark, April 2009
A New Ethics for Lawyers by Perry J. Saidman, presented at the Washington Ethical Society, Feb 28 1999